“I’m a music addict” - 2024 Composer-in-Residence Patrick Castillo

First look: writing for theremin turned out
"not to be as weird as I expected”

Composers are a curious lot, interested in everything and anything. Case in point: Patrick Castillo, 2024 NCMF Composer-in-Residence and self-professed “music addict.” I had questions: how does someone become a composer, what is it like writing for the theremin (“like having a small crayon box, not the large one”), what is your favorite piece (“composition is like parenthood. You don’t have a favorite child, although for sure you sometimes have a least favorite.”)

Photo of Patrick Castillo conducting music.

I became interested in Patrick’s music back in 2019 when I first met him performing with the Jasper String Quartet, of which his wife, Karen Kim, is one of the violinists. Two years of covid cancellations pushed his visit all they way to this summer. Looking at the preliminary pages of “Avian Microludes” for string quartet and theremin filtering in, it was clearly worth the wait.

Photo of gamelean music players and link to gamelean music on Youtube.
Indonesian gamelan music:
“A sound world that transports you”

Patrick listens to many different kinds of music - “everything you are exposed to becomes part of your lexicon” - ranging from gamelan music from his childhood, to the Black Keys’ latest album, to VJ Ayer’s multimedia, rhapsodic jazz.

Photo of person in colorful clothing and link to "Black Keys" music video on Youtube
Black Keys: “Beautiful People (Stay High)”
From “Ohio Players”

Photo of musicians and link to VJ Ayers' "Compassion" on Youtube
From VJ Ayer’s “Compassion”

REQUEST FOR HOUSING: for this summer we could use some assistance with housing. We’re looking for hosts for some of the festival artists between July 29th and August 11th. Requirements include a private bedroom and bathroom, and air conditioning. Proximity to downtown is preferred but not required. It is an opportunity to get to know one of the artists up close and support the festival's mission. If you are interested in sponsoring an artist in your home, please contact sherry@chambermusicfestival.com

I’m ridiculously excited about this summer. See you then!

David Yang, Artistic Director

Photo of Patrick Castillo & David Yang and link to their conversation on Youtube
Patrick and David

Link to Patrick Castillo's piano quartet "Winter Light" on Youtube
Patrick’s piano quartet “Winter Light”
Download File

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